Meet the Cooltzine vol.5 co-creators

“Cooltzine” vol.5, whose content and theme’s entirely defined by the participants, not Cooltsalon, is our biggest experiment in co-creation and co-authorship. The zine will be available on 12 May. Back in January 2022, we launched an Open Call for participation where the curator (Cooltsalon) became the creative contributor, and the co-creators (the confirmed participants) curated the content. We offered the participants 50 loose pieces – files of photos, illustrations, sketches – which they were to use as building blocks in their pages. Participants had the freedom to “remix” works, working with the source files but making alterations to them, putting multiple…

Urban dwellers collective manifesto

UPDATE: Read the collective “Urban Dwellers Manifesto” here. Let’s imagine the future of our cities, together. What do our high streets look like? Parks? Work place? Do we walk more? What makes us happy? After a year like 2020, we felt that Cooltsalon’s motto #unitedwecreate really needs to come forward. It is what motivated us to open a call for written thoughts, ideas and suggestions, to produce a collective “manifesto” of what it means to be a city dweller, now and in the (foreseeable) future. At the core of our work is the desire to expand the notion of “creative”,…